Bourne/Rich is the creative literary partnership between award-winning screenwriters Frankie Bourne and Graham Rich.

Graham’s first feature length project was picked up for a 2-year broadcast run by HBO. He’s won numerous filmmaking awards and had the privilege of working with some tremendously talented people who we've all heard of. He’s directed dozens of sketch comedy videos and run a multi-cam comedy show at Second City Hollywood for Amazon that ran for two seasons. Graham has a half-dozen creative projects in development with various, wonderful partners and currently works as a PrEditor.

Frankie is a screenwriter and award-winning songwriter from the San Francisco Bay Area. He has worked as a screenwriter, writer’s assistant, story analyst and research producer in Los Angeles for clients including Penny Marshall, Trent Cooper and Don Most. He currently works as a multi-media Creative Director when he’s not avidly writing.

Together they have pitched original projects to HBO, FX, and Showtime. Their collective properties have recently won or placed in over a dozen screenplay competitions.

What brings them together as a team is their fascination with the themes of coming of age, the art of storytelling and their joint love for unbridled humor. They tell stories of underdogs and outcasts, triumph over adversity and aren’t afraid to test the boundaries of the current zeitgeist.